

Amyris is commonly referred to as West Indian Sandalwood oil. Historical uses consist of wound wash, influenza, childbrith recovery, used as a room fragrance or mood fragrance.

Aphrodisiac Blend


Aphrodisiac Blend is our own blend of patchouli, clary sage, and sweet orange, the aphrodisiac blend will help deal with sexual difficulties such as frigidity, impotence, and feelings of sexual inadequacy, especially when these problems stem from stress.  It will arouse sensuality, create erotic and euphoric moods and induce deep relaxation.



Bergamot is useful in treating chronic fatigue syndrome.  Used in a diffuser or as an inhalant, bergamot oil has been reported to help people who are trying to break the smoking habit.  Bergamot oil fights fatigue from stress, helps restore physical and emotional strength and is useful for restoring immunity in a person convalescing from a long illness.  During times of sadness or grieving, bergamot oil helps to heal emotional wounds and can inspire or restore loving feelings.  CAUTION:  Bergamot oil promotes sensitivity to the sun.  Avoid wearing it outdoors in sunlight, as this can lead to severe burning or uneven darkening of the skin.

Cinnamon Leaf


Cinnamon Leaf has a warm, spicy aroma. It is germicidal, antiseptic, and anti-fungal. Add a bit of cinnamon leaf, sweet orange and clove to a diffuser or potpourri to purify the air and add a touch of warmth to your home. It is a strong skin irritant! Not recommended for direct application to the skin. It is a physical and emotional stimulant and gets the blood and mind in motion. Known as an aphrodisiac, it affects the libido and is also an antidepressant. The aroma in a room reduces drowsiness, irritability, pain and frequency of headaches. Makes a warming liniment to relax tight muscles, ease joint pain, menstrual cramps, and increase circulation. CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.

Clary sage


Clary sage oil contains hormone-like components that can balance female hormones.  It strengthens the immune system and is helpful in treating chronic fatigue syndrome.  It restores and invigorates the body during convalescence from illness. CAUTION:  Clary Sage oil should be avoided during pregnancy because of its ability to stimulate menstrual flow.  Also, you should avoid alcohol when using it.  Clary Sage oil can exaggerate the effects of alcohol and intensify drunkenness and hangovers.  It can also cause drowsiness.

Essential Oils-Travel Pack


4 x 10 ml bottles

We’ve combined 4 popular aromatherapy-grade essential oils in a travel pack and included instructions…
Lavender  Considered a virtual first-aid kit in a bottle
Peppermint This uplifting, energizing oil is helpful from head to toe
Tea tree An effective remedy for respiratory ailments
Ginger A warming digestive stimulant, ginger is more effective than several over-the-counter medications for motion sickness
Packaged in a satin pouch with info.



Eucalyptus oil fights bacterial and viral infections that can cause colds, cough, the flu, laryngitis, sinusitis, sore throats, and tonsillitis.  It loosens and expels mucus and reduces inflammation.  Eucalyptus oil clears acne and skin blemishes by reducing excessive oiliness.  It promotes the regeneration of skin tissue and can also soothe the pain of sunburn.

Geranium oil


Inhaling Geranium oil eases the anxiety and tension of mentally and physically demanding days.  Like most flower oils, geranium oil acts as an antidepressant.  Its uplifting effect frees the mind from negative or depressing thoughts.  Almost any stress-related condition responds to a few whiffs of geranium oil.  As an added bonus, geranium oil can stimulate feelings of sensuality.



Ginger helps to calm an upset stomach and alleviate nausea.  It can avert the discomfort and queasiness of a hangover, motion sickness, or morning sickness.  Ginger stimulates circulation and improves the functions of the body.  It can increase sexual appetite.



Grapefruit may prove an ideal remedy on depressing mornings when everything seems just “too much”.  It provides renewed zest for life, lightness, and well-being.  It is a positive antidote during times of self-doubt.

Lavender oil


Lavender oil stimulates new cell growth.  It lifts depression, calms nerves, and promotes nerve health.  Lavender oil fights infection, reduces inflammation, and eases congestion.  It relieves pain and muscle spasms.  Lavender oil lowers blood pressure.

Lemon oil


Lemon oil fights infection, cools fever, and stops bleeding.  It tightens and tones tissues and softens and soothes skin.  Lemon oil promotes bowel movements and increases urination.  It lowers both blood sugar and blood pressure.  Lemon oil stimulates the immune system.

CAUTION:  Lemon oil may be irritating to sensitive skin.  It may also promote photosensitivity, leading to sunburn or uneven darkening of the skin.  Avoid using lemon oil on the skin before going out in the sun.

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